
With most airports supporting thousands of passenger movements in a day, and the enormous logistical support that goes behind this service, the loss of electrical power could be catastrophic to its operation.

Yellow Power Ltd can supply robust and reliable diesel backup power solutions to ensure reliable standby power in the event of mains power loss. Our fully packaged gas fuelled Combined Heat & Power (CHP) systems can constantly deliver energy efficient heat and power for use throughout the facility, delivering system efficiencies up to 90% 24 hours per day.

Airports - Part 1 (text+image)

The design and integration of these systems with the Airport’s energy management structure is vital to its successful operation. We can supply complex supervisory control systems that constantly monitor energy usage around the airport, with the ability to almost instantly shed non-essential electrical loads during a mains outage, right down to a standalone diesel generator located on the perimeter fence to ensure runway lighting is always lit.

Our experience and relationships with major OEM equipment manufacturers allows us to identify and source the highest quality of power generation equipment that is tailored to the specific requirements of this critical application.

Please call our experienced staff to discuss your potential requirements, whether for new build or replacement of existing outdated equipment.